The new deadline for applications is April 9th!
If you are passionate about comics and you want to be a professional illustrator and author, you still have 2 days left to apply to our Summer Camp.
You must be between 18 and 25 years old, and be living in Europe. Check here the rest of the conditions to apply.
It is happening between July 4th and 10th in Barcelona, and it will be organized by the great Escola Joso, one of Comic Art Europe’s four partners.
Learn more about our first Summer Camp here.
With great pleasure, we introduce you to our newest exhibition “Living Together”.
During the last three years, Comic Art Europe initiated a research project to test and highlight the social power of comics. Read more
In a few months we are delighted to welcoming a brand-new exhibition: “Living together”. Read more
Tarot Cards at a New York exhibition!Read more
The new year is getting closer and it is the perfect opportunity for us to take a look at this past year.
As a part of its projects and values, the Comic Art Europe team always tries to participate in events with the comic art community.
In this end of the year 2022, we are proud to share some of our achievements with you !