One of Comic Art Europe’s goal is to research the impact of comics on literacy throughout workshops opened to different communities.
The Lakes International Comic Art Festival (LICAF) are delighted that Abraham Moss Primary School, Year 3, will be the UK group. In the UK they will be exploring how comics impact upon children’s enjoyment of reading and their well-being.
The first stage of the programme involves finding out more about the children and their current attitudes and preferences in relation to reading and other activities. Parents/guardians are asked about their children and about what they do and don’t enjoy doing. This confidential information will be enable LICAF to measure progress over the 12 months of the programme.
The second stage is a series of creative whorkshops in which the children will learn all about comics (how to read them and create them).
The first workshop recently happened and it was a hit!
The third stage will involve LICAF writing a report and presenting it to key organizations in the fields of education, literacy and arts to enable more children and educators to benefit from all that comics have to offer.
With great pleasure, we introduce you to our newest exhibition “Living Together”.
During the last three years, Comic Art Europe initiated a research project to test and highlight the social power of comics. Read more
In a few months we are delighted to welcoming a brand-new exhibition: “Living together”. Read more
Tarot Cards at a New York exhibition!Read more
The new year is getting closer and it is the perfect opportunity for us to take a look at this past year.
As a part of its projects and values, the Comic Art Europe team always tries to participate in events with the comic art community.
In this end of the year 2022, we are proud to share some of our achievements with you !