Comic Art Europe is a project supported by the European Commission under the current Creative programme. It is coordinated by Lyon Bande Dessinée Organisation (Lyon, France), in cooperation with Escola Joso, Centre de Còmic i Arts Visuals (Barcelona, Spain), Belgian Comic Strip Museum (Brussels, Belgium), Lakes International Comic Art Festival (Kendal, United Kingdom).
Comic Art Europe
Lyon BD Organisation
9 Quai André Lassagne
69001 Lyon
Registration number: 490 056 629 000 28
Phone: +33 (0) 9 50 21 74 00
Email: [email protected]
Conception & design*:
Saysouk graphic design
Development by
Hosting by wordpress.
*All rights in and to the website, domain, logos, trademarks and content are the sole and exclusive intellectual and commercial property of Comic Art Europe.
The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
You are a young comic artist? Student, self taught, but not a professional yet? This camp is for you!
You are a professional comic artist? Submit now your application for our new open call for project!
One of Comic Art Europe’s goal is to research the impact of comics on literacy throughout workshops opened to different communities.
We are keen to present to you each of the comics creatives who won one of the 5 artist residencies.
We received no less than 200 applications from 32 countries. It is a great success for the Comic Art Europe project’s first steps.
As our Open Call for Comics projects just closed, we are already at top speed for our next exhilarating project. Follow us in Barcelona for… our Summer Camp!
It is now time to present to you the eight jury members in charge of examining the 200 applications received after our Open Call for comics projects.
The Lakes International Comic Art Festival, England
Escola Joso, Spain
Lyon BD, France
The Belgian Comic Strip Center, Belgium